Lisa Highfill reflects on how she designed and facilitated personalized professional learning based on her teachers’ individual needs, abilities, and interests. This personalized approach is characterized by teachers who are invested in their growth and development. Listen here or read the transcript below:
Lisa: We need to treat our teachers like we expect them to treat their students. Our teachers are our students, and it’s so important that we teach them the same way. I love looking at the examples of things that the teachers created that day. Everyone had something different, everyone was working on their interest level and their ability level and their needs for their classroom. I love to see that with student work also. I don’t want my students creating 33 of the same things. So here we have examples of what the teachers created I see they are working on digital portfolios, they are working on multimedia techsets, and they also have hyperdocs in here, and student productions using video, it’s really exciting, and a website. Having different projects that they are working on, allowing them that freedom to do any project that they wanted to — that’s that buy-in — and when they mentioned that they like the coaching, whether it was me or my colleague Scott or Sarah or Kelly or any of my colleagues that coach — it’s that trust; they know that we’re there to support them in the work that they want to be doing.
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