“How DO we know whether the professional learning we’re providing impacts student outcomes?”
During the cycle of a fiscal year, the answer to this question, while elusive, also happens to be the multi-million-dollar question district leaders are considering. Yet, as human beings limited by the number of hours in a day and neurons in our brains, it can be difficult to find time to take a step back, explore new ideas, and assess ourselves – especially before pushing forward into the unknown.
As a company of facilitators, educators, and technologists, KickUp is excited to launch a webinar series to create a conversation and address some of the substantive concerns surrounding the efficacy of professional learning in K-12 education. Our first webinar focused on measuring and re-invigorating professional learning communities mid-year; you can read about it here.
We hope to generate productive dialogue among a diverse group of K-12 leaders responsible for assessing and investing in teacher development to drive excellence and innovation in professional learning efficacy.
All webinars are designed to be participatory, so you’ll be shaping the session with your questions, but we know you’re also busy. All webinars will be recorded and available to listen to in the car, on the go, or quietly in the office.
We want to dive into the nitty-gritty, hear stories from the trenches and connect the dots between goal setting, data-collection, finding meaningful insights and making decisions. And ultimately, we want to discuss how to humanize those insights into practical action and tactical steps. Please join us; your voice is valued at the table.
Interested in participating in one of the webinars? Please reach out through our website. We’d love to hear your ideas!
Schedule a demo with one of our friendly team members.